Hi, i’m Jess.
I’ve been scheming and dreaming since childhood about making things people would want to look at. When I was young, I spent hours coloring stationery sets that I shamelessly peddled for ten cents each. I never got rich, but each sale made me feel like a million bucks.
As with many childhood dreams, it took me a few decades to take the plunge and (gasp!) sell my artwork. I still feel like a million bucks when I see something I’ve made on someone’s wall.
If you were to drop by our little blue house today, you might find me head-down at the kitchen counter, listening to an episode of Dateline while I paint and make an unreasonable mess. Or maybe I’m gardening, chasing our dog, starting an ill-advised home project (to my husband’s dismay), or cooking an amount of food no two people could ever consume. Most likely, you’d find me doing my “real” job—talking publishing and book marketing.
I’d love to hear from you.
Have any questions? Interested in a freelance project or collaboration? Feel free to ask!
You can also connect with me via email at SeeJessPaint@gmail.com